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作为联合国全球契约的成员, Wood is connected to the global conversation on 可持续发展的 development and committed to helping deliver a 可持续发展的 future for generations to come.

探索我们不断发展的可持续发展战略, from the issues material to our business and the goals we set ourselves in contribution to a cleaner, 更公平的世界:

与2030年议程保持一致, Wood’s sustainability goals seek to deliver value to our stakeholders whilst delivering our contribution towards global 可持续发展的 development. 跨越十年的变革, our goals respond to an evolving ESG landscape and the topics material to our business and long-term sustainability.

认识到可持续发展带来的机会, 我们设定的目标是我们走向更美好明天的里程碑. 跨越我们的人民, 地球和利润框架, our goals will evolve and bolden as we increase our ambition and commitment.

Linked to the social issues material to our business, as Team Wood we will:

Linked to the environmental issues material to our business, as Team Wood we will:

Linked to the economic issues material to our business, as Team Wood we will:
